We’re inviting you to participate in a research study on science communication.
The survey is available athttps://okstatecoe.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bOE0kbOh4WXpXUN.
We’re hoping to better understand how to share evidence-based information. Specifically, we want to know how school psychologists think and feel about using social media to share research and practice-related information.
Participation is completely voluntary, and if you agree to participate you can always change your mind and withdraw. We do not believe there are any negative consequences and participation should only take 5 to 10 minutes. Your responses will be stored on secured servers and we are not collecting identifying information.
If you have questions, feel free to contact Christina Pynn (cpynn@okstate.edu) or Ryan Farmer (r.farmer@okstate.edu) at Oklahoma State University. “
More Information
Title: The Acceptability Among School Psychologists of Social Media as a Medium to Communicate and Obtain Research-Based and Practice-Related Information.
IRB Approval #: IRB-20-27
IRB Approval Date: 1/29/2020
Researchers: Christina Pynn, Oklahoma State University. Contact: cpynn@okstate.edu or (918) 344-2622; and Dr. Ryan Farmer, Assistant Professor Oklahoma State University. Contact: r.farmer@okstate.edu
The purpose of this study is to establish a baseline knowledge and explore school psychologists’ beliefs, attitudes, and current practices in regard to the use of social media for communicating and obtaining evidence-based research for practice.